WIPO  Details for Case D2011-0832

Read the WIPO decision

Harriett's Defense to Nippon Paper complaint


  1. Letter from 13 Australian Environmental NGOs to Nippon Paper, asking for an end to woodchipping of koala habitat in Mum bulla Forests, New South Wales. click
  2. a. Resolution passed at national forum of over 150 conservationists, including representatives of most of Australia’s environment groups on 11th September, unanimously calls upon the Nippon Paper Group, to announce its exit from Australia’s native forests and sourcing all its future woodchips from sustainably managed plantations.(Japanese version) click

b. English version of 2a, above. click

  1. Campaign letter in Japanese to Nippon Paper  click
  2. Letter from South East Region Conservation Alliance 25 February 2006 to Nippon Paper asking that it reject certification based on the Australian Forestry Standard (unacceptable to the conservation movement). click